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Espectros: Ghostly Hauntings in Contemporary Transhispanic Narrative

Alberto Ribas-Casasayas , Amanda Petersen · Bucknell University Press · 2016 · 270 pp

Espectros: Ghostly Hauntings in Contemporary Transhispanic Narratives is a unique and welcome collaboration, the cultural and geographical breadth of which is inspiring, and the theoretical aim of which is most timely and provocative.

The editors and authors of the remarkable collection Espectros: Ghostly Hauntings in Contemporary Transhispanic Narratives trace a spectral geography that connects the violent histories of Spain and Spanish America. This is an interesting lens through which to explore the use and aesthetics of haunting. . . . The body of writing compiled in Espectros allows readers to understand how trauma is woven into the very fabric of Hispanic history, on both sides of the Atlantic. However, these essays also help us consider ways of treating and moving forward with our conditions as subjects who are always and already haunted--of envisioning treatments of our collective pasts and presents that denote a greater and more meaningful sense of mutual respect and responsibility.